Puppy Pancakes, Dog Pancake and Waffle Recipes Species Appropriate, Tasty

puppy pancakes, dog pancake recipes and waffle recipes for dogs
★ 4 min read
 In this article:
  1. Species Appropriate Pancakes and Waffles Recipes for Dogs
  2. Two Ingredient Pancake Recipe
  3. Fluffy Banana, Coconut Pancake Recipe
  4. Scrumptious Banana, Coconut Waffle Recipe
  5. Toppings For Your Dog's Pancakes and Waffles
  6. Tip to Optimize Nutritional Value

1.0 Species Appropriate Pancake and Waffle Recipes for Dogs

I have a wonderful tasty treat for your puppy and dog! 

Pancake and waffle recipes made with species appropriate ingredients! 
These pancakes and waffles make a great:
  1. Healing meal.
  2. Treat.
  3. Doggie birthday cake!
Conventional pancakes and waffles aren't good for dogs or a puppies. 

Conventional recipes include starchy carbohydrates that cause inflammation in a dog's body. So...

These pancake and waffle recipes are:
  1. Starchy carbohydrate free!
  2. Species appropriate.
  3. Protein, vitamin, mineral rich.
  4. Dog approved and tasty…
  5. You can eat them too!

2.0 Two-Ingredient Banana Pancake Recipe for Dogs 

two-ingredient banana pancake recipe for dogs

You'll Need:
2 large eggs.
1 medium-size ripe banana.
½ tbs organic cold pressed unrefined coconut oil; or pastured organic unsalted butter.
Optional ingredient, ½ tsp organic Ceylon cinnamon powder.

Heat the pan or skillet.
Place coconut oil or butter in skillet, fry pan and heat.
When the coconut oil or butter sizzles the pan is ready for pancake batter.

Prepare the Batter:
Crack eggs, drop white and yolk into your mixing bowl.
Whisk egg whites and yolks together.
Tip - you can use the eggshells to make eggshell powder.
Mash the banana, combine with whisked eggs, mix well.
Optional ingredient, add the Ceylon cinnamon powder.
Mix all ingredients together.
Use a large spoon to drop the batter onto the heated pan or skillet.
Cook the pancake for at least one minute then flip to allow the other side to cook for another minute.
Remove pancake from heat.
Allow the pancake to cool.

You can serve as-is.
Or add some toppings.
See suggested toppings further below.

Store pancakes in the refrigerator for up to 3-days.
Or place in the freezer.
Suggested Serving:
Small dogs – ¼ to ½ pancake.
Medium and Large Dogs – 1 pancake.
X-Large Dogs – 1 to 2 pancakes.
🥞 Recipe makes 2 large, 4 medium or 8 small pancakes.

3.0 Fluffy Banana Coconut Pancake Recipe for Dogs

fluffy banana coconut pancake recipe for dogs
You'll need:
2 large eggs
1 medium-size ripe banana
½ tbs organic cold pressed unrefined coconut oil; or pastured organic unsalted butter
1 tbs green banana flour, organic, 100% pure
1 tbs coconut flour, organic, 100% pure
Optional ingredient ½ tsp organic Ceylon cinnamon powder.

Heat the pan or skillet
Place coconut oil or butter in skillet, fry pan and heat.
When the coconut oil or butter sizzles the pan is ready for pancake batter.

Make the Batter:
Crack eggs, drop white and yolk into your mixing bowl.
Whisk egg whites and yolks together.
Tip - you can use the eggshells to make eggshell powder.
Mash the banana, combine with whisked eggs, mix well.
Add 1 tbs of green banana flour, and 1 tbs of coconut flour.
Mix all ingredients together.
Optional ingredient
Add the Ceylon cinnamon powder.
Mix all ingredients together.
Use a large spoon to drop the batter onto the heated pan or skillet.
Cook the pancake for at least one minute then flip to allow the other side to cook for another minute.
Remove pancake from heat.
Allow the pancake to cool.

Serve as-is.
Or add some toppings.
See suggested toppings further below.

Store pancakes in the refrigerator for up to 3-days.
Or place in freezer.

Suggested Serving:
Small dogs – ¼ to ½ pancake.
Medium and Large Dogs – 1 pancake.
X-Large Dogs – 1 to 2 pancakes.
🥞 Recipe makes 2 large, 4 medium or 8 small pancakes.

4.0 Scrumptious Banana Coconut Waffle Recipe for Dogs

banana coconut waffle recipe for dogs

You'll Need:
2 large eggs.
1 medium-size ripe banana.
½ tbs organic cold pressed unrefined coconut oil; or pastured organic unsalted butter.
2 tbs green banana flour, organic, 100% pure.
2 tbs coconut flour, organic, 100% pure.
Waffle maker (waffle iron).
Optional ingredient ½ tsp organic Ceylon cinnamon powder .

Plug the waffle maker in to heat-up.

Prepare the Batter:
Crack the eggs, drop white and yolk into your mixing bowl.
Whisk egg whites and yolks together.
Tip - you can use the eggshells to make eggshell powder.
Mash the banana, combine with whisked eggs, mix well.
Add the green banana flour and coconut flour.
Mix all ingredients together.
Optional ingredient
Add the Ceylon cinnamon powder.
Mix all ingredients together.
Use a large spoon to drop the batter onto the heated waffle maker.
When ready, remove the waffle from heat.
Allow the waffle to cool.

Serve as-is.
Or add some toppings.
See suggested toppings further below.

You can store waffles in the refrigerator for up to 3-days.
Or place in freezer.

Suggested Serving:
Small dogs – ¼ to ½ pancake.
Medium and Large Dogs – 1 pancake.
X-Large Dogs – 1 to 2 pancakes.

🧇 Recipe makes 2 large, 4 medium or 8 small waffles.

5.0 Toppings for Your Dog's Pancakes and Waffles

Pancake  and Waffle Toppings for Dogs
Optional Toppings
Berries and Fruit
  • Serving size - 1 tbs to 1/4 cup.
  • Fresh or frozen-thawed:
  • Berries - blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, more here.
  • Pomegranate seeds, fresh or frozen-thawed.
  • Other appropriate fruit choices, go to this article.
Coconut Flakes - raw, fresh or dehydrated, organic, pure and unsweetened
  • Serving size - 1 tbs to 2 tbs 
  • Health benefits - go to this article.
Honey - raw, unpasteurized, pure
for adult dogs only, not for puppies under 12-months of age
Hemp Hearts - organic
Kefir, Yogurt or Raw Goat Milk - grass fed pastured sourced, or organic sourced
  • Serving size - 1 tbs to 4 tbs kefir (fermented milk), plain yogurt, or raw goat milk.
  • Health benefits  go to this article.
Pumpkin Seeds - raw, organic, no shell

6.0 Tip to Optimize Nutritional Value

pancake and waffle recipes for dogs, species appropriate puppy pancakes
Organic bananas and pastured, free-range sourced eggs are the ultimate choice.
Next best, organic eggs.
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To set-up your holistic behavioral session get in-touch via email, go to my contact me page.
Affiliations to Companies  
✓ None. 
✓ I don't sell food, supplements, or other products.
I'm not aligned with any companies. 
Article by Karen Rosenfeld.

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