Lemon – A Safe, Natural Mosquito Repellent for Dogs

fresh lemon mosquito repelling recipes for dogs
4 min read
In this article:
  1. A Natural Approach to Repelling Mosquitoes
  2. How to Use Lemon as a Natural Insect Repellent 
    1. Lemon Spot-on Treatment
    2. Lemon Spray
    3. Lemon Collar Drops
  3. How to Include Lemon in Your Dog's Diet 
  4. More Foods To Help Repel Insects         
1.0 A Natural Approach to Repelling Mosquitoes
Conventional mosquito, insect and parasite preventatives are made with toxic synthetic chemical pesticides that are very harmful to your dog’s health. As well, conventional parasite preventatives (e.g. heartworm products such as Bravecto, Heartgard, etc.) don't provide complete protection. In fact, conventional preventatives make your dog more vulnerable to heartworm infestation. Learn more about the issues with conventional heartworm prevention here.

A well-designed natural protocol can provide your dog with effective protection. An effective natural protocol includes ingested and topical items that work together to:
  1. Repel insects.
  2. Fight pathogens and disease caused by insects (e.g. heartworm, Lyme disease, etc.).
  3. Support the immune system.
A natural protocol should include:
  1. A species appropriate diet which supports the body's natural ability to deal with insects and parasites. 
  2. Additional insect repelling and immune system supporting foods and herbs.
  3. Natural topical repellent aids. 
Lemon can be added to the diet and used as a topical insect repelling aid. 
This article includes:
  1. Recipes for using lemon to repel mosquitoes and other insects.
  2. Examples of other foods and herbs to help repel insects.

2.0 How To Use Lemon as a Natural Insect Repellent   

Lemons - A Safe and Natural Mosquito Repellent for Dogs and Cats
Mosquitoes don't like the scent of citrus.
Lemon can be used to help repel insects and parasites.

Lemon Mosquito Repellent Recipes

2.1 Lemon Spot on Treatment
  1. Cut a fresh lemon, (lime, orange, or grapefruit) in half and rub the cut fruit onto your dog’s fur.
  2. Avoid the area immediately around your dog’s eyes.
  3. Do not apply to open wounds or cuts, citrus stings.
  4. Pay special attention to insect vulnerable areas of the body, ears, nose, under the tail and tummy.
Lemon is non-toxic to dogs, (unlike conventional preventatives).

2.2 Lemon Spray Recipe

fresh lemon spray recipe mosquito repellent for dogs

You'll Need
  • 6 lemons, or you can use a mix of citrus.
  • 1 quart of water (.95 liter).
  • 1 pot.
  • 1 spray bottle.
  1. Cut the lemons and/or other citrus fruit in half
  2. Place the cut fruit and 1 quart of water in a pot
  3. Bring to a boil and then allow too steep for two hours
  4. Allow the resulting liquid to cool
  5. Once cool, strain the liquid to remove any pulp
  6. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle
To Use
  1. Spritz your dog’s fur. Remember to protect your dog’s eye from the spray.
  2. To apply the spray to your dog’s face:
    1. Spray the palm of your hand with the solution.
    2. Rub your hands gently over your dog’s nose, around their eyes, behind the ears, around the base of the tail, under your dog’s legs, etc.
  3. If your dog is outside for extended periods, repeat the spray application every 2 to 3 hours.
  4. Store the spray in the refrigerator.

2.3 Lemon Collar Drops

mosquito repelling lemon collar drop recipe for dogs

Lemon Oil Recipe

You'll Need
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 cup olive oil
  1. Peel the rind from the lemons.
  2. Place oil and lemon rinds in a sauce pan.
  3. Place on very low heat for 20 minutes.
  4. Allow to cool.
  5. Strain and pour the liquid into a bottle.
  6. Store in a dark cool cupboard.
Instructions for Use
  1. Place a few drops of lemon oil on your dog's collar and (or) harness.
3.0 How to Include Lemon in Your Dog's Diet 
how to include fresh lemon in your dog's diet

There are several simple ways to add lemon to your dog's diet. For options and serving recommendations:
4.0 More Foods to Help Repel Mosquitoes

These simple, natural whole foods can be added to your dog’s diet to help repel insects and parasites.

Foods for Mosquito Repellent

Allow your dog to self-select the items that best suit her. Make sure you respect your dog's indication.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) – organic, unpasteurized
Learn about ACV for dogs:
  1. Health benefits.
  2. Uses and recipes for dogs.
  3. Serving guidelines and more.

Coconut Oil 
Learn about coconut oil for dogs:
  1. Health benefits. 
  2. Uses.
  3. Serving recommendations, etc.
Fresh minced garlic has multiple health benefits, Its also a natural insect repellent aid.
More about fresh garlic:
  1. Garlic uses and health benefits.
  2. Preparation instructions.
  3. Dosage guidelines, etc.
Goat Milk, Kefir or Yogurt 
Raw goat milk, kefir and yogurt are rich in probiotics that help support the body's natural defences against insects, parasites and infection.

More about goat milk, kefir, yogurt:
  1. Health benefits.
  2. Serving recommendations, etc.
Turmeric is a natural anti-parasitic aid. Turmeric supports the immune system and has many other health benefits. Turmeric is great for some dogs, but doesn't suit all. 
Find out if turmeric is a good match for your dog:
  1. All about turmeric here
  2. Golden paste recipe here.

Holistic Diet, Nutrition, Wellness Services Tailored to Your Individual Dog and Cat

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Affiliations to Companies  
✓ None. 
✓ I don't sell food, supplements, or other products.
I'm not aligned with any companies. 
Article and graphics by Karen Rosenfeld.