Golden Paste Recipe for Dogs and Cats

golden paste recipe for dogs and cats, recipe, health benefits and daily dosage

ā˜… 3 min read
In this article:
  1. Health Benefits of Golden Paste
  2. Golden Paste Recipe 
  3. How to Store Golden Paste
  4. How To Use Golden Paste
  5. Daily Serving Recommendations
  6. Daily Dosage Guidelines
  7. Cautions, Contradictions, Drug Interactions

1.0 Health Benefits of Golden Paste for Dogs and Cats

golden paste recipe for dogs and cats, a simple to make effective anti-inflammatory medicinal herbal treatment

Golden paste is simple to make, and offers many health benefits without the dangerous side effects of conventional drugs, for example: Prednisone, Metacam (meloxicam), etc. 
1.1 Golden Paste Is An Effective:
a partial list
  1. Analgesic (pain reducer, pain killer).
  2. Antacid.
  3. Anti-carcinogen.
  4. Anti-inflammatory.
  5. Anti-fungal.
  6. Anti-parasitic. 
  7. Anti-microbial.
  8. Anti-viral.
  9. Antiseptic.
  10. Blood Purifier.
  11. Digestive.
  12. Detoxicant.
  13. Germicide.
  14. Immune system support.

1.2 Golden Paste Can Help Prevent and Treat:
a partial list
  1. Acid reflux.
  2. ACL/CCL injury.
  3. Allergy symptoms: due to food and environmental hypersensitivities.
  4. Arthritis.
  5. Back injuries.
  6. Bone and joint issues, inflammation and injury.
  7. Blood Issues
  8. Cancer.
  9. Diabetes.
  10. Gastrointestinal issues.
  11. Heart Disease.
  12. Intestinal Parasite Infestation (intestinal worms).
  13. Kidney Issues.
  14. Liver Issues. 
  15. Skin Issues.
  16. Tumors.
  17. Wildfire Smoke Inhalation.

2.0 Golden Paste Recipe for Dogs and Cat

golden paste recipe for dogs and cats
To Make The Golden Paste You'll Need
Basic Ingredients:
šŸ„„ Turmeric root powder, organic.
 Learn about turmeric root:
  • Medicinal properties.
  • Health benefits.
  • Cautions.
  • Go to this article.
šŸ„„ Black pepper, organic, fresh ground.
šŸ„„ Coconut oil, use organic, cold pressed, unrefined coconut oil.
  • Medicinal properties.
  • Health benefits.
  • Cautions.
  • Go to this article.
šŸ„„ Filtered tap water or spring water.
šŸ„„ Saucepan
  • Use a glass saucepan or stainless steel saucepan.
  • Do NOT use an aluminum saucepan or a Teflon coated saucepan.
Optional Ingredients:
šŸ„„  Ceylon cinnamon 
Learn about Ceylon cinnamon:
  • Medicinal Properties.
  • Health benefits.
  • Cautions.
šŸ„„  Ginger Root
Learn about ginger root:
  • Medicinal Properties.
  • Health benefits.
  • Cautions.
Preparation Instructions
Add the following herbal powders to the saucepan:
  • Ā¼ cup turmeric powder.
  • 1Ā½ tsp fresh ground black pepper.
  • Optional ingredients:
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly but gently. These powders become airborne if not gently stirred. Turmeric contains a strong natural dye (curcumin) that can stain clothes, carpet, counter tops etc.
Then add: 
golden paste ingredients
  • 1 Ā¼ cup filtered or spring water.
  • Note ā€“ if you want to incorporate coconut oil directly into the recipe, reduce the amount of water by Ā¼ cup, and add Ā¼ cup coconut oil.
  • If you're not using coconut oil in the recipe, serve the golden paste with a dose of coconut oil. For the recommended daily dosage of coconut oil by body size, go to this article.
    • For dogs and cats that cannot have coconut oil another appropriate-to-your-animal, high quality fat can be used such as unsalted, grass-fed pasture-sourced butter or ghee.
  • Mix the powdered herbs and liquid gently, making sure to completely blend the herbs with the water to yield a smooth thick paste.
  • You can add a little more water or coconut oil if needed.
golden paste cooking instructions
  • Place the sauce pan on the stove top, on low heat setting for 7 minutes, stir occasionally.
  • Remove from heat after 7 minutes.
  • Donā€™t worry if you have left the golden paste on for slightly longer.
  • Allow the Golden Paste to cool.

3.0 How to Store Golden Paste

  1. Transfer the cooled Golden Paste to a glass container with an airtight lid.
  2. Store the golden paste in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

4.0 How to Use Golden Paste

When introducing golden paste to your dog or cat's diet do so gradually. Start at a low dose and increase slowly. 
Golden paste can be used on a daily basis, short-term or long-term as best suit's your animalsā€™ situation.

5.0 Daily Dosage Guidelines

Start with a low dosage and gradually (over several days), increase the dose to the desired serving size.
Minimum dose
šŸ„„ 1/16 tsp per 10 lbs of body weight, 1x per day.
Standard dose
šŸ„„  1/8 tsp, per 10 lbs of body weight, 1x to 2x per day.
šŸ„„  Maximum dose
Varies per animal and condition being treated.
To Help Prevent Health Issues
  • Use the minimum to standard daily dosage as best suites your animal.
To Treat an Active, or Chronic Ailment
  • Start with the standard daily dosage.
  •  Gradually increase the dose to your dog or cat's tolerance level.

6.0 Golden Paste Serving Suggestions

Select one of the following serving methods.  

.1 Serve with Food
  • Add the golden paste to your dog or cat's meal.
.2 Serve with Bone Broth
.3 Serve with Raw Unpasteurized Honey
  • Daily dosage and health benefits.
  • Go here.
.4 Serve with Kefir, Goat Milk or Yogurt
  • Daily serving size, health benefits, how to select a good product.
  • Go here.
.5 Serve with a Kefir, Goat Milk or Yogurt Smoothie
(for dogs, not cats)

7.0 Cautions, Contradictions, Drug Interactions

Golden Paste is not for every dog and cat.

For a list of cautions, contradictions and drug interactions:
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āœ“ None.
āœ“ I don't sell food or supplements.
āœ“ I'm not aligned with any companies.

Article and graphics by Karen Rosenfeld

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