Natural, Herbal Wormers and Worming Aids for Dogs and Cats to Prevent and Treat Infestations

natural and herbal wormers and worming aids for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens

★ 10.5 min read
In this article:
1.0 Symptoms of Intestinal Parasite Infestation
2.0 Common Intestinal Parasites in Dogs and Cats
3.0 If You Think Your Dog or Cat has Worms
4.0 Important Tips to Support Overall Body Health
5.0 Supplemental Foods to Support Worming
  1. Fluids to Aid Worming Treatment and Prevent Blockage
    1. Bone Broth Recipe
    2. Short Cooked Broth Recipe
    3. Parsley Water Recipe
    4. Rooibos Tea
  2. Foods and Herbs to Support Worming Treatment
    1. Carrots and Garden Beets
    2. Coconut Oil
    3. Papaya
    4. Turmeric 
    5. Golden Paste
    6. Kefir and Yogurt
    7. Fur, Feathers, Raw Meaty Bones, Coconut Oil and More Worming Aid Foods and Supplements
6.0 Natural and Herbal Wormers
  1. Garlic
  2. Grapefruit Seed Extract
  3. Pumpkin Seeds
  4. Cloves
  5. Goldenseal
  6. Black Walnut Hulls

Conventional wormers are toxic synthetic chemical-based pesticides that harm your dog and cat's immune system, increase toxic load on the liver and kidneys, disrupt the endocrine system, disrupt gut health, harm the heart, and cause harm to the neurological system. In contrast, natural, herbal wormers help reduce your dog and cat's toxic load and support overall health. 

1.0 Symptoms of an Intestinal Parasite Infestation

natural herbal wormers for dogs and cats
One or more symptoms may present:
- Anemia
- Digestive Issues
  1. Bloating
  2. Cramps
  3. Constipation
  4. Diarrhea
  5. Dehydration 
  6. Gas
  7. Greasy stools
  8. Nausea 
  9. Parasites (dead or alive) in stool
  10. Swollen lymph nodes
  11. Vomiting
  12. Weight loss
  13.  Consuming a lot of food but not putting on weight
- Fatigue 

- Skin Issues
  1. Excessive scratching or licking around the anus, or base of tail
  2. Rash on the body
  3. Rash around anus or base of tail
  4. Scudding, scooting

2.0 Common Intestinal Parasites in Dogs and Cats

  1. Giardia
  2. Flukes
  3. Hookworms
  4. Round Worms (common round worm – Ascaris)
  5. Tapeworms
  6. Strongyloides – a type of round worm also known as Threadworm, Pinworm, Seatworm, etc.
  7. Trichinella  - a type of round worm that causes trichinellosisor trichinosis.

3.0 If You Think Your Dog or Cat Has Worms (Intestinal Parasites)

Take a stool sample and have the sample tested for worms (this is called a worm count).

Once you have the results of the worm count...
If the test is positive for worms:
  1. Start treatment with a natural worming protocol (see further below).
  2. Support your animal's overall health (see further below),
If the test is negative:
  1. Don't worm your animal. 
  2. You can help maintain a parasite-free state by including appropriate supplemental foods, go to this article.

4.0  Important Tips to Support Overall Body Health

A healthy body is not attractive to parasites. The key to preventing repeated infestations of intestinal worms - support the overall health of your companion animal.
  1. Feed your dog or cat a species appropriate diet.
  2. Avoid including toxin and carcinogenic substances in the diet.
  3. Replace  conventional flea, tick, mosquito preventatives with natural alternatives.
  4. Don’t over vaccinate your dog or cat – only vaccinate for what is truly necessary and have titter tests done to ascertain when repeat inoculations are required.
  5. Avoid use of antibiotics and other conventional medications unless your animal is in a life-threatening emergency situation. Choose natural care for all other situations, e.g. ear infections, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, etc.
  6.  Choose health care products (e.g. shampoo, dental chews and toothpaste that are  toxin and carcinogen-free.
  7. Don't use chemical-based cleaning products in your home.
  8. Don't use chemical-based pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers in your yard, on your grass, trees, garden, etc.
  9. Wash road-salt off of your dog and cat's paws.

5.0  Supplemental Fluids and Foods to Support Worming

supplemental foods to support worming in dog, puppies, cats and kittens

If your dog or cat has a very minor infestation of intestinal parasites, the chance of intestinal blockage due to parasite die off is low.

However, if your dog or cat has a significant infestation chance of intestinal blockage is significant. 

Adding appropriate fluids can prevent complications, prevent dehydration and provide essential nutrients.

5.1 Fluids to Aid Worming Treatment and Prevent Blockage

5.1.1 Bone Broth
for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens
bone broth, a worming aid for dogs and cats

Bone broth supports health in multiple ways, and its simple to make.
For the:
  1. Health benefits of bone broth.
  2. Bone broth recipe.

5.1.2 Short Cooked Broth
for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens

short cooked broth, worming aid for dogs and cats

Short cooked broth can be used instead of bone broth.
Short cooked broth takes much less time to make (than bone broth) and its the perfect alternative for dogs and cats that cannot have bone broth due to specific health issues.

For the short-cooked bone broth recipe:
5.1.3 Parsley Water
for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens

parsley water recipe, a worming aid for dogs and cats

If your dog or cat has liver problems, kidney or gall bladder problems or is pregnant or lactating do not use parsley water. Parsley is high in oxalates and can cause issues for dogs or cats with renal issues.

Add parsley water to your dog or cat’s food during deworming treatment. Parsley is rich in many nutrients, it is also a natural diuretic.
  1. Boil 1 quart of water
  2. Add one bunch of fresh parsley (curly parsley, Italian flat leaf parsley, etc.) to the boiling water
  3. Allow to simmer for 3 minutes
  4. Remove from heat and allow to cool
  5. Remove the parsley and discard it
  6. Pour the liquid into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator
1 tbsp parsley water for every 10 lbs of body weight.
Administer once a day for 10 days.

  1. If your dog or cat has liver problems, kidney or gall bladder problems or is pregnant or lactating do not use parsley water. 
  2. Parsley is high in oxalates, avoid use for dogs and cats with renal issue, or calcium oxalate(CaOx) crystals and stones.  
  3. Use Rooibos Tea (see just below) instead of parsley water.
5.1.4 Rooibos Tea
for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens

rooibos tea, a worming aid for dogs and cats
For the:
  1. Health benefits of rooibos tea.
  2. How to use rooibos tea.
  3. Serving size recommendations.
5.2 Foods and Herbs To Support Worming Treatment
When treating your dog or cat for worms it is important to include foods in their diet that naturally:
  1. Help with the expulsion of the parasite (foods ‘scrub’ the weakened worms out of the digestive tract).
  2. Boost the immune system.
  3. Sooth inflamed intestinal walls.
  4. Help to kill parasites and prevent re-infestation.
Select at least one of the foods below to include in the worming protocol.
5.2.1 Carrots or Garden Beets
for puppies and dogs
fresh , finely grated beets and carrots, a worming aid for dogs

Add one of these veggies to each meal to help cleanse the digestive tract and scrub parasites away.
Daily Dosage
Fresh, finely grated:
 ½ tbs to 2 tbs a day.
Beets (garden beets, not sugar beets)
½ tbs to 2 tbs a day.

5.2.2 Papaya
For dogs and puppies
fresh papaya, a worming aid for dogs and puppies
Papaya contains four natural anti-parasitic compounds with strong worm-killing properties. Naturally occurring enzymes in papaya also aid digestion.
Learn more about the health benefits of papaya for dogs and puppies.
Daily Dosage 
Finely diced or pureed papaya (no seeds): 
  • 1 tsp to 1 tbs.
5.2.3 Turmeric 
For dogs, puppies, cats and kittens
turmeric is a worming aid for dogs and cats

Turmeric helps reduce inflammation of the intestine walls caused by intestinal parasites (worms).
  1. More about the health benefits or turmeric.
  2. Dosing instructions.
  3. Cautions and other important information.

5.2.4 Golden Paste Worming Support Recipe
For dogs, puppies, cats and kittens

golden paste recipe natural worming aid for dogs aid cats

My Golden Paste recipe is an effective, simple to make anti-inflammatory, blood purifying, digestive, immune system supporting, anti-parasitic aid.
  1. The Golden Paste recipe.
  2. More about the health benefits or golden paste.
  3. Dosing instructions.
  4. Other important information.

5.2.5 Kefir and Yogurt
For dogs, puppies, cats and kittens
kefir and yogurt, a worming support aid for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens

Plain, natural yogurt and kefir are rich in beneficial microbes that help keep disease causing microorganisms at bay while replenishing the intestinal tract with friendly flora.
For kefir and yogurt:
  1. Health benefits.
  2. How to select appropriate products.
  3. Daily serving amount. 

5.2.6 Fur, Feathers, Raw Meaty Bones, Coconut Oil and More Worming Aid Foods and Supplements
For dogs, puppies, cats and kittens
fur, feathers and more natural worming aids for dogs and cats

For more worming aid foods, supplements including:
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar.
  2. Coconut Oil.
  3. Coconut Sap Vinegar.
  4. Fur and Feathers.
  5. Honey (raw).
  6. Omega Fatty Acids.
  7. Raw Meaty Bones.
  8. and more.
  9. Plus instructions for use, dosage and health benefits.
Go to this article

6.0 Natural and Herbal Wormers

  1. Garlic
  2. Grapefruit Seed
  3. Pumpkin Seed
  4. Cloves
  5. Goldenseal
  6. Black Walnut Hull
When treating an infestation of intestinal worms, a typical worming protocol is: dose for 7 days up to 10 days, then withhold dosing for 7 days. Then dose for 7 up to 10 days. Then stop dosing.
Choose one or several of the natural wormers listed below, based on your dog or cat's personal situation.

6.1 Garlic (Allium sativum)
For dogs and puppies over 6 months of age

garlic, a natural wormer for dogs
Health Benefits of Garlic
Garlic is an effective immune system booster and is also effective in preventing and treating infestations of intestinal worms and giardia.
In 2008, a scientific study was done in which Garlic was tested against Ivermectin. Garlic proved to be an effective natural alternative to conventional synthetic-chemical pesticide worming agents such as Ivermectin.
Learn more about the health benefits of garlic for dogs.
How to Include Garlic in Your Dog’s Diet 
  • You can decide to give your dog garlic just during worming treatment, or;
  • You can add garlic to your your dog's daily diet if she self-selects it.
  • Learn about self-selection in this article.
  • Chop, mince, crush or press the garlic and allow it to sit at room temperature for 10 to 15 minutes before giving the garlic to your dog or cat;
  • This gives the allinn and alliinase sufficient time to undergo the enzymic reaction that creates allicin.
Recommended Daily Dosage for Dogs
  • 1 clove fresh garlic (or 1 tsp minced/finely chopped) per every 30 lbs of body weight per day.
  1. Garlic is NOT for dogs under 6 months of age.
  2. Garlic should NOT be given to Japanese dog breeds, learn more here.
  3. Health condition, drugs and other contradictions for use, go here.
  4. Additional information regarding cautions, go here.

Grapefruit Seed – Pulverized Seed or Extract
For dogs, puppies and cats and kittens

grapefruit seed extract, a wormer for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens

The benefits of Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) were first noted in 1972 by physicist Dr. Jacob Harich who observed its broad spectrum use as an antibacterial and antiviral remedy. You can read more about Dr. Jacob Harich and the history of GSE here.

Grapefruit seeds contain active ingredients that are anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and more. Grapefruit seed extract is known to be excellent for treating internal diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, it is used topically to treat and remedy skin diseases, external injuries and fungal infections.
  • University of Georgia researchers found that GSE is an effective antiviral, antifungal and anti-parasitic agent for fighting many viral and bacterial infections, including E. coli.
  • Additional findings have proven that GSE is a highly effective treatment for:
  • 800 bacterial and viral strains.
  • 100 strains of fungi, and.
  • A multitude of single and multi-celled parasites. 
GSE is also an immune system booster. It contains:
  • Hesperidin (a bioflavonoid), well known for its potent immune system benefits;
  • Vitamin C, Citric  Acid, sterols and multiple additional antioxidants that aid the immune system’s ability to battle infections. 
It is important to note that GSE extract is NOT a truly natural substance. GSE extract is a highly processed substance, processing includes the use of synthetic chemicals. 
Learn more about grapefruit seed extract:
  1. Health benefits.
  2. Cautions and interactions. 
Go to this article.
Grapefruit Seed Can be Administered Two Ways
  • Pulverized seeds can be used as an ingested treatment sprinkled on top of food;
  • Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) drops can be mixed into the food.

Liquid GSE:
  • Minimum dosage - 0.5 drops per every kg (per every 2.2 lbs) of body weight.
  • Maximum dosage - 10 to 15 drops per every 10 lbs of body weight 3 times a day.
  • Dose for 10 days up to a maximum of 14 consecutive days.
Pulverized GSE:
  • 8 mg per every kg (per every 2.2 lbs) of body weight.
  • Dose for 10 days up to a maximum of14 consecutive days.

Raw Pumpkin (Pepitas) Seeds or Pumpkin Seed Oil
For dogs, puppies, cats and kittens

raw pumpkin seeds, a natural wormer for dogs, puppies, cats and kittnes
Raw, shelled, pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil provide:
  • Antimicrobial support.
  • Antioxidant support.
  • Nutrient support.
  • Natural wormer.
Use raw, shelled organic pumpkin seeds. 
For worming purposes, use pumpkin seed along with another natural wormer. 
Pumpkin seed on its own will NOT resolve an infestation of worms.

Grind the pumpkin seeds to a fine powder (you can use a mortar and pestle, a coffee grinder, a food processor, etc.).
Instructions for Use
  1. Add the ground pumpkin seeds to your dog or cat's food once a day for two weeks.
  2. Pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc, vitamin A and are high in protein.
  3. You can also choose to add pumpkin seed to your dog or cat's diet on a regular, daily basis.
  4. For more information on the benefits of pumpkin seeds go to this article.
 Choose pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed powder
Pumpkin seed powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon for every 10 lbs of body weight.
Pumpkin seed oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon for every 10 lbs of body weight.
  • Ground pumpkin seeds should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • If storing for many months, it is best to freeze the ground seeds to avoid loss of health benefits.
for dogs and puppies, cats and kittens

Cloves have many health benefits and have been used for both their medicinal and culinary properties by humans dating back 2000 years.  Their benefit in the fight against internal parasites is two-fold:
  • Cloves contain a compound that increases the white blood cell count which boosts your dog’s immune system – a healthy dog is not a good host for a parasite infestation.
  • Cloves contain potent antibacterial properties and anti-parasitic properties.
As cloves are potent they should not form part of a dog’s regular year-around daily diet. The use of cloves should be restricted to a several week period once or twice a year.
Small puppies and kittens:
1/8 of a whole dry clove, crushed and mixed into food once a day for a week.
Then withold for one week.
Then repeat dosing for one week. 
Small Size Dogs, Puppies and Cats:
¼ of a whole dry clove, crushed and mixed into food once a day for a week.
Then withold for one week.
Then repeat dosing for one week.
Medium Size Dogs:
½ of a whole dry clove, crushed and mixed into food once a day for a week.
Then withold for one week.
Then repeat dosing for one week.
Large Size Dogs:
1 whole dry clove, crushed and mixed into food once a day for a week.
Then withold for one week.
Then repeat dosing for one week.

  1. Not for preganant and lactating dogs and cats.
  2. Not for puppies or kittens under 3 weeks of age.

For dogs and cats

goldenseal root, a natural wormer for dogs and cats

Goldenseal is an antimicrobial agent and digestive aid that enhances the medicinal qualities of herbs that it is blended with. Goldenseal contains berberine, a compound that works against parasites such as giardia, liver fluke and pinworms.

Preparation and Dosage:
  1. Use the appropraite dosage for your animal's weight based on the dosing chart below. 
  2. Mix the goldenseal into food.
   To view a larger version of the chart, click on the chart.
Black Walnut Hull (Juglans nigra)
Not for puppies and kittens

  • Do not use for a prolonged period of time. 
  • Example of dosing schedule for worming: 
    • Dose 7 days on 14 days off, then repeat. 
    • Then stop use.
  • Example of dosing to help maintain an intestinal worm-free state: 
    • Dose 3 days per month.
  • First time use: start with 1 drop per day then increase by an additional drop per day to the maximum amount per body weight.
  • Tincture form (regular strength, do not use extra strength):
    • 1 drop for every 10 pounds of body weight
  • Capsule form:
    • ¼ of a 500mg capsule for dogs 5 to 25 pounds
    • ½ capsule for dogs 25 lbs and up
  • Must be used with caution as black walnut contains a high levels of tannins and alkaloids that can damage organs if used excessively.
  • Is not to be used as a regular supplement on a long-term daily basis. 
  • Black walnut hull should only be used when worming is required or periodically to help keep your dogor cat worm-free.
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Article and graphics by Karen Rosenfeld

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