Foods That Help Your Dog, Cat Naturally Repel, Eliminate Infestations of Insects, Parasites

foods that help your dog, cat naturally repel, eliminate infestations of insects, parasites
9 min read
In this article:
  1. Self Selection
  2. Foods to Help Repel and Eliminate Insects and Parasites
    1. Apple Cider Vinegar  
    2. Coconut Sap Vinegar  
    3. Beets, Carrots, Turnip  
    4. Coconut Oil   
    5. Fur and Feathers, Raw Meaty Bones
    6. Garlic  
    7. Honey
    8. Kelp 
    9. Lemon  
    10. Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Fatty Fish
    11. Papaya  
    12. Pumpkin seed or oil  
    13. Raw Goat Milk, Kefir, Yogurt and Sauerkraut   
  3. Important Steps to Ensure a Healthy Immune System
    1. Diet
    2. Natural Insect, Parasite Prevention Protocol
    3. Over Inoculation
    4. Environmental Toxins
  4. The Right Protocol for Your Puppy, Dog, Kitten and Cat
In this article you'll learn about foods and herbs to include in your dog, puppy,  cat and kitten's diet to help:
  1. Prevent and treat an infestation of intestinal worms (parasites).
  2. Make your dog and cat less desirable to fleas, mosquitoes, ticks and parasites. 
  3. Support health and well-being. 

1.0 Self Selection

foods that help dogs and cats naturally repel and eliminate infestations of insects and parasites
Allow your dog and cat to self-select the insect and parasite repelling supplemental foods they prefer. 
Never force your dog or cat to eat items they do not want. Its important to respect your animal's indication. 
Learn about self selection for your dog and cat:

2.0 Foods to Help Repel and Eliminate Insects and Parasites

2.1 Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) organic, unpasteurized 

for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens

apple cider vinegar can help balance blood PH levels to make your dog or cat less attractive to parasites

A diet of dry food, canned or wet food (highly processed pet food) results in an acidified blood PH level. Disease, parasites and insects are attracted to acidified blood.
Health Benefits of Adding ACV to your Dog or Cat's Diet
  1. Can help re-balance blood PH levels.
  2. Helps maintain the normal acid/alkaline balance of the digestive tract.
  3. Inhibits the growth of bad bacteria.
  4. Helps to clean the blood and liver of toxins.
  5. Helps prevent dry skin.
  6. Promotes the growth and maintenance of healthy fur.
ACV can also be used topically to help repel insects.
  • Recipe for natural insect repellent spray - go to this article. 
To learn more about:
  1. Health benefits of ACV.
  2. How to choose a good quality ACV.
  3. How to add ACV to your dog and cat’s diet.
  4. Daily dosage by body weight.
  5. Cautions for some medical conditions and drug interactions.
Go to this article.

2.2 Coconut Sap Vinegar

for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens 

coconut sap vinegar can help make your dog and cat less attractive to insects and parasites

Coconut sap vinegar (CSV) has many health benefits and can help balance body pH. A balanced body pH makes your dog and cat less attractive to insects and parasites.
Coconut sap vinegar is rich in amino acids, vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes and probiotic microbes. CSV has a milder taste than apple cider vinegar. If your dog or cat isn't fond of ACV she may like coconut sap vinegar instead.
To learn more about coconut sap vinegar (CSV):
  1. Health benefits.
  2. How to choose a good quality product.
  3. How to add CSV to your dog and cat’s diet.
  4. Daily dosage by body weight.
  5. Cautions for some medical conditions and drug interactions.
Go to this article.

2.3 Beet, Carrot or Turnip

for dogs and puppies
carrot, garden beet and turnips, a intestinal parasite worming aid for dogs and puppies

Carrot, garden beet (also known as table beet, do NOT use sugar beet), or turnip added to the diet can help cleanse the digestive tract and scrub away parasites.

Choose one of the following:
  1. Carrot 
  2. Beet
  3. Turnip
  1. Finely grate or puree the fresh carrot, beet or turnip.
  2. Then serve.
  3. Store in the refrigerator (grated or pureed) for up to 3 days.
Serving Recommendation:
X-Small Dogs
1/2 tsp to 1 tsp per day.

Small Dogs
1 tsp to 2 tsps per day.

Medium Dog
½ tbs to 1 tbs per day.
Large Dog
1 tbs to 2 tbs per day.

coconut oil is a natural insect repelent and worming aid for dogs and cats

2.4 Coconut Oil

for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens
Coconut oil has multiple health benefits that can help protect against insects and parasites. Coconut oil is a natural:
  1. Anti-bacterial
  2. Anti-fungal
  3. Anti-viral
  4. Anti-parasitic
Coconut oil can be used as an ingested supplement and as a topical treatment to help prevent and treat parasitic infestations.

Topical Uses Include Treatment for:
  1. Flea infestation
  2. Flea skin allergy
  3. Itchy skin
For more information about coconut oil:
  1. Health benefits.
  2. How to choose an appropriate product.
  3. How to introduce coconut oil to your dog and cat's diet.
  4. Recommended dosing guidelines.
  5. Cautions.
Go to this article.

2.5 Fur and Feathers, Raw Meaty Bones

for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens

ears with fur, feathers and raw meaty bones are intesintal parasite (worming) aids for dogs and cats

Raw meaty bones with fur or feathers help keep your dog and cat's body parasite free. Fur and feathers help scrub intestinal parasites from the lower gastrointestinal tract.  
  1. Ears with fur (e.g. goat ears, rabbit ears, etc.)
  2. Raw meaty bones.
  3. Small whole prey with feathers or fur (e.g. quail, pigeon, etc.)
  4. Air dried meaty bones w/ fur or feathers.
Learn how to include appropriate meaty bones (RMB) in your dog and cat's diet...
For dogs and puppies:
For cats and kittens:

2.6 Garlic

for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens over 6 months of age

garlic is a natural insect repelling herb, for dogs and cats

You may have heard (or read) that garlic is bad or toxic to dogs and cats, this is NOT true.  Garlic is a traditional herbal medicinal for dogs and cats. The only dog breeds that should not have garlic are Asian dog breeds. Garlic is also safe for cats when used properly. Go to this article to learn more.

Health Benefits of Garlic for Dogs and Cats
partial list:
Garlic contains multiple forms of sulphur. 
  • Sulphur is a natural insect repellent.
Garlic cleanses the blood which helps in fighting disease spread by parasites.
Garlic is an:
  1. Anti-allergen
  2. Antibacterial
  3. Antibiotic
  4. Anti-carcinogen
  5. Anti-fungal
  6. Antioxidant
  7. Anti-protozoan
To learn more:
  1. How to add garlic to your dog and cat's diet,
  2. How to prepare the garlic,
  3. Daily dosage for garlic by body weight for dogs.
  4. Weekly dosage for cats.
  5. Cautions.

2.7 Honey
for dogs and puppies over 6 months of age

raw honey, a natural worming aid for dogs

Raw unpasteurized honey (and bee pollen or bee propolis) is beneficial to dogs when provided in within proper dosing guidelines. Honey helps to protect the body from bacteria and viruses, including pathogens from insects and parasites.

Daily Dosage:
  • 1/2 tsp for every 20 pounds of body weight.
To learn more about:
  1. Health benefits of honey,
  2. How to select appropriate raw honey,
  3. How to include honey in your dog's diet,
  4. Cautions for some medical conditions and drug interactions...
Go to this article.

2.8 Kelp

for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens
kelp a natural insect repelling aid for dogs and cats
Kelp used as a supplemental food, helps protect against fleas and helps prevent irritation caused by flea-bite allergy. Kelp helps reduc skin inflammation and itchiness from other allergies and improves the health of skin and coat.

Kelp also supports your dog and cat’s health in other ways, for example:
  1. Helps the GI tract stay clean and promotes a healthy balance of GI fluids.
  2. A good source of bio-available iron which helps supports blood health and heart health.
  3. A good source of Vitamin C. Iron needs Vitamin C to increase absorption.
  4. Speeds healing. The amino acids in kelp support repair of injured tissue.
  5. Supports and help treats low thyroid function. Kelp is iodine rich. Low iodine levels are a trigger for hypothyroid problems.
  6. High-levels of iodine and other nutrients (i.e. manganese, folate, magnesium, tryptophan, copper, calcium, vitamin B2) support adrenal and pituitary gland health.
Choose a kelp powder that is contaminant and toxin free:
  • Deep sea kelp
  • Norwegian kelp
  • Don't give kelp to dogs and cats that have hyperthyroidism.
Daily Dosage:
  • Small size dogs and cats - ¼ tsp
  • Medium size dogs - ½ tsp
  • Large size dogs – 1 tsp

2.9 Fresh Lemon

for dogs and puppies

lemon helps balance body pH and can help keep your dog parasite free

Lemons are a very alkaline food that help the body balance PH levels. Acidified blood PH levels attract insects and parasites.
Lemon is a natural:
  1. Detoxifier and can kill undesirable microorganisms in the GI tract. 
  2. Wormer. 
  3. Mosquito (and other insect) repellent.
You can make your own all-natural safe sprays and collar drops for your dog.
Learn more about:
  1. Health benefits of lemon,
  2. How to add lemon to your dog and puppy's diet,
  3. Daily dosage,
  4. Cautions for some medical conditions and drug interactions...
 Go to this article.

Fin out how to make your own lemon insect repellent:

2.10 Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Fatty Fish
for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens

fish omega-3 fatty acids for dogs and cats

It's very important to ensure sure your dog and cat get enough species appropriate omega-3 fatty acids daily. Omega-3 fatty acids are important to maintain:
  • A strong immune system.
  • Fur and skin health. 
Include wild-caught fatty fish in your dog and cat's diet. To learn how to include fatty fish in your dog or cat's diet go to the articles below:
How to select and prepare fish for your dog and cat:
Sardines and other small fatty fish:

2.11 Papaya

for dogs and puppies

fresh papaya is an intestinal parasite (worming) aid for dogs and puppues

The naturally occurring enzymes in papaya help kill intestinal parasites. The enzyme papain is a digestive enzyme that helps break down food in the gut. Papaya is also a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals.
    To Prepare the Papaya
    1. Remove the skin of the papaya.
    2. Remove the seeds.
    3. Finely chop or mince by hand or using a food processor or blender to puree.
    Minimum Dosage
    • Small Size Dogs - ½  tsp to 1 tsp
    • Medium Size dogs – 1 tsp to ½ tbs
    • Large Size Dogs – ½ tbs to 1 tbs

    2.12 Pumpkin (Pepita) Seeds and Pumpkin Seed Oil

    for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens

    raw pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil are natural worming aids for dogs and cats

    Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds and Pumpkin Seed Oil
    a partial list:
    • Antimicrobial support
    • Antioxidant support
    • Nutrient support
    • Anti-carcinogen
    • Source of essential minerals and fiber
    • Natural worming aid
    Use raw, shelled pumpkin seeds. Organic pumpkin seeds are the best choice.
    1. Grind the pumpkin seeds to a fine powder.
    2. You can use a mortar and pestle, coffee grinder, or food processor to grind the seeds to powder.
    • Add the ground pumpkin seeds to your dog or cat's food once a day for two weeks.
    • You can also choose to add pumpkin seeds to your dog and cat's daily diet.
    • My dog’s get finely ground pumpkin seeds sprinkled on their food daily.
    • For more information on the benefits of pumpkin seeds, go to this article. 
    Choose pumpkin seed powder or pumpkin seed oil.
    Pumpkin Seed Powder
    • 1/4 teaspoon for every 10 lbs of body weight
    Pumpkin Seed Oil
    • 1/4 teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil for every 10 lbs of body weight.

    2.13 Raw Goat Milk, Kefir, Yogurt and Sauerkraut

    for dogs, puppies, goat milk, kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut
    for cats and kittens, goat milk, kefir yogurt

    raw goat milk, kefir, yogurt, saurekraut help keep your dog and puppy parasite-free

    The beneficial microorganisms in probiotic foods help your dog and cat naturally repel parasites and associated diseases. 

    Learn more about:
    1. Health benefits,
    2. How to choose an appropriate product,
    3. How to add probiotics foods to the diet,
    4. Daily serving size,
    5. Cautions...
    Raw goat milk, kefir and yogurt:

    3.0 Important Steps to Ensure a Healthy Immune Systems

    Additional important steps to prevent parasitic infestations, repel insects and avoid insect and parasite related infections. 
    Support your dog and cat's overall health naturally.
    3.1 Diet
      steps to ensure your dog and cat has a healthy immune system
      Feed your dog, puppy, cat and kitten a raw or gently cooked and fresh food species appropriate diet.
      Learn more about a species appropriate diet:
      1. What is a species appropriate diet?
      2. How much and how often to feed your puppy and kitten. 
      3. How much and how often to feed your dog and cat.
      4. Species appropriate food components, what, how much, how to prepare and serve.
       Go to this article.
      3.2 Natural Insect, Parasite Prevention Protocol

      Protect your dog and cat's overall health, always avoid using conventional insect, parasite preventatives and treatments. Use a natural protocol.

      Learn more:
      1. About conventional flea, tick, heartworm, intestinal parasite preventatives and treatments.
      2. Adverse side effects.
      3. Short and long-term health issues and conditions.
      4. A natural approach to insect, parasite prevention and treatment.

      Go to this article.

      3.3 Over Inoculation
      Protect your dog and cat's overall health, don't over inoculate your dog and cat.
      Learn more:
      1. Core vs non-core inoculations.
      2. Guidelines.
      3. Whats in an inoculation.
      4. Side effects and long-term health issues.
      5. Other important information.
      Go to this article.

      3.4 Environmental Toxins
      reduce your dog and cat's exposure to environmental toxins, use natural household cleaners

      Reduce your dog and cat's exposure to environmental toxins. Simple, important steps you should take...
      3.4.1. Household Cleaning Products
      Use truly natural, non-toxic household cleaners instead of synthetic chemical and highly processed cleaning products.
      Learn more:
      1. Recipes for non-toxic, simple household cleaners.
      Go to this article.
      3.4.2 Conventional Herbicides, Fertilizers, Pesticides 
      Avoid grass and other vegetation that has been treated with chemical-based lawn and garden pesticides and herbicides, road salt, etc. 

      4.0 The Right Protocol For Your Puppy, Dog, Kitten and Cat

      It's important to ensure the treatment and dietary protocol you're using is properly tailored to suit your individual dog or cat's circumstances.
      If the situation you're dealing with does not show signs of improvement I strongly encourage you to engage the services of a holistic diet, nutrition, wellness practitioner.
      Holistic Diet, Nutrition, Wellness Services Tailored to Your Individual Dog and Cat

      For information about my holistic diet, nutrition and wellness services, visit my holistic wellness services page.

      Maintain good health | Address acute and chronic health issues | Pre and post surgery support and recovery

      My holistic wellness services are available worldwide via video consultation.

      🌎 USA | Canada | UK | Europe | Australia | New Zealand | Asia | South and Central America | Africa | UAE

      📱FaceTime | Facebook | Skype | WhatsApp

      To set-up your holistic wellness consultation get in-touch via email, go to my contact me page.
      Holistic Behavioral Services for Your Dog

      For information about my holistic behavioral services, visit my holistic behavioral services page.

      For dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds.

      My behavioral services are available worldwide via video consultation.

      🌎 USA | Canada | UK | Europe | Australia | New Zealand | Asia | South and Central America | Africa | UAE

      📱FaceTime | Facebook | Skype | WhatsApp

      To set-up your holistic behavioral session get in-touch via email, go to my contact me page.
      Affiliations to Companies  
      ✓ None. 
      ✓ I don't sell food, supplements, or other products.
      I'm not aligned with any companies. 
      Article and graphics by Karen Rosenfeld.

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